HR Glossary

Labor Union

What is a Labor Union?

A labor union is an organization of workers that represents the collective interests of its members in dealings with employers. Unions negotiate wages, benefits, and working conditions with employers on behalf of their members. They also work to protect the interests of their members in the event of layoffs or plant closures. Labor unions are typically governed by a board of directors elected by the membership.

What is the difference between Union and Labor Union?

There are a few key distinctions between unions and labor unions. Unions are typically organizations of all workers within a particular company or industry, while labor unions are specific to certain trades or professions, such as carpenters, electricians, or plumbers. Unions are also typically open to anyone who meets the membership requirements, while labor unions are typically restricted to workers within a particular trade. Finally, labor unions are typically more militant in their approach to negotiations with employers, while unions are typically more focused on protecting the rights of workers.

What is the benefit of Union?

The benefits of union are many. The most obvious is that a union gives employees a voice in the workplace. Union members can negotiate for better wages and benefits, and have a say in the way their workplace is run. Union representation can also help protect employees from unfair treatment or dismissal. In addition, unions can provide social and emotional support for members, and help them to build a sense of community.


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