HR Glossary


What is the Cost-Per-Hire?

The cost-per-hire is the total cost of bringing on a new employee, divided by the number of hires made in a given time period. This figure includes all the costs associated with recruiting, screening, and hiring a new employee, including advertising, recruitment fees, and the time and resources spent by managers and employees on the recruitment process. It does not include the cost of training or the wages and benefits paid to the new employee.

What are the benefits of the Cost-Per-Hire?

The Cost-Per-Hire metric is a valuable tool for organizations to measure and manage the cost of recruiting new employees. By tracking the cost-per-hire, organizations can identify and reduce inefficiencies in the recruitment process. Additionally, the cost-per-hire metric can be used to measure the return on investment (ROI) of recruiting initiatives. Organizations that invest in recruiting initiatives can use the cost-per-hire metric to determine whether the investment is resulting in an increase in the number of qualified candidates hired.

How do you build a Cost-Per-Hire system?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the way to build a Cost-Per-Hire system will vary depending on the specific organization and the type of positions being hired. However, some tips on how to build a Cost-Per-Hire system include tracking the time and resources spent on each stage of the hiring process, calculating the average cost of recruiting and onboarding new employees, and using data-driven decision-making to optimize the process.

Why do you need a Cost-Per-Hire system?

The Cost-Per-Hire system is an important tool for human resources professionals because it allows them to measure the effectiveness of their recruitment efforts and identify areas where they can improve. By calculating the cost of each new hire, the system allows HR professionals to see how much they are spending on recruitment and identify ways to reduce those costs. Additionally, the system can help identify which recruitment methods are most effective and which ones are not. This information can be used to adjust the HR department’s budget and focus its resources on the methods that are most likely to result in successful hires.

What sort of companies need a Cost-Per-Hire system?

In order to calculate the actual cost of a new employee, a company needs to track a number of different factors including advertising expenses, the time it took to fill the position, the cost of onboarding, and the employee’s salary and benefits. A Cost-Per-Hire system helps businesses to accurately measure and track these expenses so that they can make more informed decisions about where to allocate their resources when hiring new employees.

Companies that need to make quick and accurate decisions about where to allocate their resources would benefit from using a Cost-Per-Hire system. This includes businesses in industries such as retail, where the need to fill positions quickly can be a make-or-break factor in terms of profitability. Other industries that would benefit from using a Cost-Per-Hire system include transportation and logistics, where the need to keep costs down is essential to staying competitive.


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