HR Glossary

Attendance Policy

What is an Attendance Policy?

An attendance policy is a set of guidelines that a company or organization creates to outline expectations for employee attendance. This policy may include information on acceptable reasons for absences, attendance tracking, and consequences for tardiness or absences. Typically, an attendance policy will be communicated to employees during onboarding and reviewed periodically.

How do you build an Attendance Policy?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to build an attendance policy will vary depending on the specific needs of your organization. However, some tips on how to build an attendance policy include:

  1. Establish a clear attendance policy statement. This statement should outline the expectations for employee attendance and outline the consequences for not meeting these expectations.
  2. Make sure the policy is communicated to employees. Employees should be aware of the expectations for attendance and the consequences for not meeting these expectations.
  3. Implement a system for tracking employee attendance. This system can help you identify employees who are not meeting the expectations for attendance outlined in your policy.
  4. Enforce the policy consistently. The consequences for not meeting the expectations for attendance outlined in your policy should be enforced consistently for all employees.
  5. Review and update the policy as needed. The attendance policy should be reviewed and updated as needed to reflect the changing needs of the organization.

Why do you need an Attendance Policy?

An attendance policy is important because it sets expectations for employees’ attendance and helps to ensure that employees are present when they are needed. An attendance policy can also help to ensure that employees are not taking advantage of the company’s policies regarding paid time off. Additionally, an attendance policy can help to identify patterns of poor attendance so that steps can be taken to improve attendance.

What sort of companies need an Attendance Policy?

An attendance policy is important for companies with a large number of employees, as it helps to ensure that all employees are present and accounted for. Furthermore, an attendance policy can help to ensure that employees are not abusing their time off, and are meeting their required hours. An attendance policy can also help to track employee absences, and can be used to determine if employees are meeting the company’s attendance standards.


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