HR Glossary


What is an Offboarding Process?

An offboarding process is the procedure followed when an employee leaves a company. The offboarding process typically includes ensuring that the employee’s departure is properly recorded, ensuring that the employee’s access to company resources is terminated, and ensuring that the employee’s final pay is processed. The offboarding process can also include providing the employee with information about how to access their final paycheque, how to access their employee benefits, and how to access their final paystub.

What is an Offboarding Checklist?

Offboarding Checklists are designed to help managers and employees ensure that all necessary steps are taken during the termination process. Typically, an offboarding checklist will include items such as ensuring all company property is returned, cancelling employee access to company accounts and systems, and creating a termination notice. Having a formalized checklist can help to ensure that no important steps are missed during the termination process, which can help to reduce the risk of legal issues or other complications.

What are the objectives of an Offboarding Process?

The objectives of an offboarding process vary depending on the organization, but often include ensuring that the employee is aware of their departure, providing a timeline for departure, outlining expectations for the employee during the exit process, and providing information on benefits and payouts. Other objectives may include ensuring that the employee’s departure is documented and that all company property is returned. Offboarding processes can also help to ensure that the employee’s departure does not have a negative impact on the organization’s operations.

What are the benefits of an Offboarding Process?

There are a number of benefits to implementing an offboarding process. First and foremost, an effective offboarding process helps to ensure that departing employees have a smooth transition and that all necessary paperwork is completed correctly. This reduces the chances that the employee will experience any problems when seeking to re-enter the workforce. Additionally, an offboarding process helps to protect the company from potential legal issues. By ensuring that all appropriate steps are taken, the company can avoid any charges of wrongful termination or other wrongful conduct. Finally, an effective offboarding process can help to preserve the company’s relationships with former employees. By providing a positive experience during the offboarding process, the company can help to ensure that former employees remain positive advocates for the company.

How do you build an Offboarding Process?

Developing an offboarding process is important for several reasons. First, it ensures that all necessary steps are taken to properly transition the employee out of the company. This includes returning any company property, cancelling any accounts or memberships, and ensuring that the employee has all the necessary information to transition to their next job. Second, an offboarding process helps protect the company from potential legal issues. By taking the necessary steps to properly terminate the employee’s employment, the company can minimize the risk of being sued for wrongful termination or other employment-related issues. Finally, a good offboarding process can help preserve the company’s relationship with the employee. By providing a smooth transition and handling any questions or concerns the employee may have, the company can leave a positive impression that may lead to future referrals or even future employment opportunities.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to developing an offboarding process, but there are a few key steps that are essential for any process. First, the company should identify the specific steps that need to be taken to terminate the employee’s employment. This may include returning company property, cancelling accounts or memberships, and providing the employee with information about their benefits and other transition assistance. Second, the company should create a plan for communicating these steps to the employee. This plan should include who will be responsible for taking each step, when the steps will be taken, and how the employee can contact the company if they have any questions or concerns. Finally, the company should put in place a system for tracking the employee’s progress through the offboarding process. This system can help ensure that all steps are taken and that the employee is fully transitioned out of the company.


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